IRS Form 4506-T is one of the federal forms that request a tax transcript that is required by the Financial Aid Office so that students or parents can complete their Federal Verification. If you are planning to receive aid, then you need to fill out this form and file it with the Internal Revenue Service.
However, it is quite natural to feel a bit nervous if you have never filled out or filed such forms before. Thus, we have prepared the IRS Form 4506-T instructions for you! All you need to do is follow the following recommendations to successfully fill out your form.
Instructions for IRS Form 4506-T
- You need to provide your full name as it appears on your tax return as well as your social security number on Line 1/a.
- If you filed a joint return, you also need to provide your spouse’s full name as it appears on the tax return. Also, your spouse’s social security number should be on Line 1/b. If not, you can skip this part.
- You need to provide your current address in street, city, state, and zip code format. Make sure that you provide an accurate and full address in Line 3.
- If your previous tax return address is different than this one, then you need to provide it in full in Line 4.
- You need to provide information on 1040 for the requested transcript on Line 6. If you are requesting a return transcript, then check the box on Line 6a.
- If you request a 2016 statement, then you need to type 12/31/2016 on Line 9.
These are all! You have successfully completed the filling out process of your form. However, you are not done yet. Make sure that you have checked the signatory attests box to learn whether you have the authority to sign Form 4506-T.
Do not forget to type today’s date and your active phone number while signing your name. If it will be a joint return, make sure that your spouse also signs the form. Later on, you are ready to mail your form.
Once you get the form from the IRS, you need to write your student ID on it and then mail it to the Financial Aid Office. At the end of this process, you will need to receive a notification about the completion of the verification process.