DS 160 Form—Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form is the U.S. Department of State—Bureau of Consular Affairs form that needs to be filed by visitors who are applying for a nonimmigrant visa.
This form must be filed by those who are going to temporary travel to the United States as well as those who are traveling for the K visa, better known as the fiancé(é) visa. All visa applicants must file and submit their DS 160 Form.
It’s possible to file DS 160 Form both online and on paper. For online filing DS 160 Form, go to the Consular Electronic Application Center’s website and start filing the DS 160 Form.
Here is how to fill out DS 160 Form electronically on the CEAC website.
Online Filing DS 160 Form
Click here to open the DS 160 Form. On the Consular Electronic Application Center website, you will need to select the location you will be applying for the nonimmigrant visa. Take note that you must upload a digital photo of yourself when filling out the DS 160 Form. This photo needs to be passport appropriate so take that into consideration before you begin filing DS 160 Form.
Note: DS 160 Form is English but you can get the translations that already exist on the Consular Electronic Application Center website.
Once you’re done filling out DS 160 Form online, you can then save it. If there are two persons that need to file a DS 160 Form, it can be done in the same session. As soon as you complete filling DS 160 Form, you can then submit it online.
What to do after filing DS 160 Form?
What you need to do after filling out DS 160 Form is to print the DS-160 barcode and keep it. Although you can, you don’t necessarily need to print the full application but you can do it so to keep it for your own records.
You will then need to schedule the visa interview appointment. Keep in mind that there is no automatic appointment for the visa interviews. You must schedule the interview yourself.
After scheduling the interview, pay the visa application processing fee. How you’re going to pay largely depends on the country you’re applying to. That said, contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your location to see how you need to pay.