Center For American Progress

The Center for American Progress (CAP) is a nonprofit organization that strives to shape the national conversation and policies toward a progressive agenda. This article will help you understand how CAP works.

Founded in 2003, CAP is committed to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas and concerted action. Its research, media, and government relations initiatives are all designed to advance a more equitable society for all Americans. CAP also works to promote responsive government and social policy that empowers individuals and families to achieve their full potential. Its sister advocacy organization, CAP Action Fund, transforms these ideas into policy through rapid-response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing, and political advocacy. CAP also houses the youth-engagement organization Generation Progress.

The organization is funded by a wide variety of donors, including foundations, individual donors, and labor unions. In addition, it receives some funding from corporate entities. Its board members include John Podesta, the former White House chief of staff and head of Obama’s transition team. CAP is a member of the Democratic Leadership Council. Its staff includes former Clinton and Obama administration officials.

Events CAP


The Center for American Progress hosts a wide variety of events with progressive leaders and policy experts. These events cover various issues, including energy and the environment, democracy and civic engagement, education, criminal justice, immigration, and foreign policy. Through policy research, advocacy, and media, the center for american progress aims to shape conversations that shift America’s policies toward a more progressive future. In a recent interview with Amy Goodman, CAP President Neera Tanden addressed comments made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the recent elections in Israel. The comments were a concern to many progressives, including those at the center.

CAP is supported by labor unions, which have contributed over $2 million to the organization since 2009. According to required filings with the Department of Labor, these unions have also donated to ThinkProgress. The two organizations have provided fawning coverage of these unions and endorsed policies they support, such as card check legislation. In addition, both organizations have ties to former Obama administration officials. They have hosted events with Hillary Clinton, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and other high-profile Democrats.

CAP Action Fund

CAP Action Fund

The Center for American Progress (CAP) and its parallel advocacy organization, CAP Action Fund, are two key cogs in the left-wing policy and message machine. Using the institutional imprimatur of their “think tank,” and its blog, ThinkProgress, as well as the deep pockets of their donors, including left-wing hedge fund billionaire George Soros, CAP and its allies, aim to move national policy debates further left. However, in late 2011-early 2012, CAP and its bloggers were embroiled in controversy over anti-Semitism allegations and language used to describe Israel’s policies toward Gaza, which led to a loss of donor support. Despite these setbacks, the group remains a top-ranked charity with four stars on Charity Navigator. This system includes only grants, not Direct Charitable Contracts or Program Related Investments.