Indiana Child Support

Indiana child support laws require both legal parents to financially contribute to the care of their children. Child support payments typically cover day-to-day expenses, as well as medical and work-related childcare costs.

Child support payments allow parents to maintain their essential living expenses, including daily necessities like food and clothing. Indiana child support guidelines also take into account medical, dental, and childcare costs. In addition, court-ordered child support covers the cost of children attending private or special needs schools and institutions of higher learning.

A knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate the complexities of Indiana child support laws and determine the best possible outcome for your case. A lawyer can also explain how certain circumstances, such as a custody change or extraordinary costs, may impact your child support payments.

How to Calculate Indiana Child Support?

Child support in Indiana is determined by reference to the Indiana Child Support Guidelines. There is a rebuttable presumption that the amount calculated from the Guideline support schedule is the correct weekly child support obligation.

The Guidelines incorporate a number of factors that determine a parents’ financial obligations, including both parties’ gross incomes, and their shared or sole parenting time. The Guidelines also address additional expenses such as work-related childcare costs, union dues, and the cost of health insurance coverage for children not covered by either party’s plans.

The child support calculation takes into account the cost of housing, food, clothing, and other basic needs of the children. It does not take into account “optional” expenses such as summer camp, athletic leagues, and scouting activities. A child support lawyer can help parents navigate these worksheets to ensure that they are meeting their legal obligations and offering the best care possible for their children.

What is the New Child Support Law in Indiana

What is the New Child Support Law in Indiana?

On October 17th, the Indiana Supreme Court issued an order amending the State’s Child Support Rules and Guidelines. These new guidelines will significantly impact current Indiana child support cases and orders. These changes lower the age of emancipation to 19 for child support orders implemented after July 1, 2012 and require children under the age of 21 to request contribution toward post-secondary education expenses through the court if they want their parents to be obligated to contribute.

Child support is intended to provide financial assistance for a child’s basic needs such as housing, food, clothing and work-related childcare costs. The guidelines establish the amount of a child support obligation by using a formula called the Income Shares Model. Both parents must complete a child support obligation worksheet to determine their gross incomes, and specific adjustments are made for each parent’s unique circumstances. Completing these worksheets correctly is critical to ensure that you are able to meet your obligations and offer the best possible care for your child.